2024年12月15日 · 铅酸蓄电池中的正极活性物质(二氧化铅)与负极活性物质(海绵铅)和电解液(30%-40%的稀硫酸溶液),反应生成硫酸铅和水。 化学方程式为: P b O 2 ( s ) + P b ( s ) + 2 H 2 S O 4 ( a q ) → 2 P b S O 4 ( s ) + 2 H 2 O ( l ) {displaystyle {rm {PbO_{2(s)}+Pb_{(s)}+2{H_{2}SO_{4}}_{(aq
本文介绍了铅酸电池的工作原理、发展历史、技术演化、结构组成和应用现状。 在此基础上,展望了铅酸电池的未来发展方向和应用前景。 Invented more than 150 years ago, lead-acid battery has been the dominant portion in the second battery market with the widest applications in industry and daily life due to its unique advantages, such as low cost, mature technology, reliable